Wednesday, March 24, 2010

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Tree Reading Series Panel

Tree Reading Series Panel
Ottawa's Tree Reading Series introduced a new format of a (lengthy) panel discussion on "Poetic Meaning." The night's poets at the table were Sina Queyras, Rob Winger, Susan McMaster, and Erín Moure.

Incidentally, Erín Moure headlines her own show tonight from 5:00pm - 8:00pm at Cafe Nostalgica, 603 Cumberland. She brings the level of poetic discussion up a few notches and is always a treat to listen to.

Sina Queyras

Sina Queyras

Monday, March 22, 2010

Bret Hart - Documentary

Bret Hart - screenshot
I licensed my photo of Bret Hart to The Fight Network for a new documentary about the Hitman. The photo looks great on the web site, eh? It premieres tonight for anyone with access to this channel. UPDATE: You may watch the movie on youtube in a day or so here
Here's a trailer:

Bret Hart - Survival of the Hitman

Population Me: Essays on David McGimpsey

Population Me: Essays on David McGimpsey by Alessandro Porco is now officially available from your local independent bookstore, online, or wherever else you purchase books. I photographed McGimpsey who apprears on the book's cover.
David McGimpsey Cover

From a summer of 2009 impromptu photo set on the roof top of Ottawa's Carleton Tavern. It's a favourite place of mine to shoot from.
The Duke of Carleton

Additionally, here is a recent interview in Maisonneuve magazine:

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

St. Patrick's Day in Ottawa

St. Patrick's Day in Ottawa
Cheers from the Heart and Crown!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

rob's birthday

rob's birthday
for the life of me I forget how old he is...oh yeah.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I'm my biggest fan

Wednesday, March 10, 2010



Thursday, March 04, 2010

Ottawa International Writers Festival News

- A new venue for the OIWF: the Mayfair Theatre in Old Ottawa South
- some of the authors OIWF will be hosting this Spring are:
Non Ficition: Sarah Elton, Jeff Rubin, Joe Laur, Harvey Cashore, Andrew Potter, Susan Juby, Tom Jokinen, Terry O'Reilly, Mike Tennant, Wade Davis, John Ralston Saul, Adrienne Clarkson, Mark Kingwell and Douglas Coupland.

Tim Wynne Jones, Jeffrey Moore, Miguel Syjuco, Andrea Levy (UK), Michael Helm, Adam Lewis Schroeder, Peter Hedges (USA), Guy Gavriel Kay, Amir Gutfreund (Israel), Horacio Castellanos Moya (El Salvador), Jessica Grant, Rabindranath Maharaj and Jonathan Miles (USA).

Poetry: derek beaulieu, Weyman Chan, Frank Davey, George Bowering, Michael Lista, Suzanne Buffam, Steven Heighton, Rachel Zolf, Jesse Ferguson and Erin Mouré.

- call 613.562.1243 or email for these and any upcoming spring events at

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

the next viral video...

Monday, March 01, 2010


A golden re-enactment of Sidney Crosby's winning goal for Team Canada last night.
He shoots, he scores!!!