Pod About Town

Writer, Stephen Rowntree of phrenology1011.blogspot.com [left] records his poetry at the home office of Podcaster, Charles Hodgson of www.podictionary.com.
John is available for photographic assignments. Contact me at john@johnwmacdonald.com or 613-821-5501 with details. Photo FAQ
...will start on Wednesday April 12, 7-9 p.m.at Collected Works Bookstore. $175.00 for the 8 weeks. For more information taylorswave@sympatico.ca
WRITE BY THE LAKE: A Summer Writers Retreat at Lac Brassard, Quebec, 35 minutes from downtown Ottawa will be held from July 17-21, 9 a.m. till 3 pm. From 11 a.m. till 1 a.m. a tasty lunch will be provided along with swimming, kayaking or canoeing in one of the loveliest motorboat-free lakes in thispart of Canada. Beginner, intermediate and advanced writers welcome. $300.00. To guarantee a spot please send $50.00 deposit asap because last summer therewere 14 writers, and this years workshop is filling up fast. Please see Rick Taylor's website www.taylorswave.ca for photos, articles and comments about workshops.