Tuesday, September 30, 2008

James Nachtwey: The Story Breaks

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Freehand Books Authors

Freehand Books Authors, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Here are three of the four authors that visited Ottawa to read from their new books. www.freehand-books.com. Unfortunately due to the exigencies of time at the start of the event, I neglected to include Marina Endicott who was mingling elsewhere when I photographed the trio.

Ottawa -- 18 September 2008
Join Freehand Books in celebrating its first season on the Canadian publishing scene at an Ottawa International Writers Festival special event! Readings by all four inaugural Freehand authors--Marina Endicott (fiction), Jeanette Lynes (poetry), Saleema Nawaz (fiction), and Susan Olding (non-fiction). Catering by Culinary Conspiracy. A free event.

Friday, September 26, 2008


Matthew, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

bath hijinx...

Culture in Danger

Monday, September 22, 2008

2008 Sunburst Award Winners

"The Sunburst Award Committee is pleased to announce that the winner of its first young-adult award is Anthem of a Reluctant Prophet by Joanne Proulx, while The New Moon's Arms has garnered Nalo Hopkinson her second adult award. She also won a Sunburst Award in 2003. "
Joanne Proulx

Stephanie J. Gibbs

Stephanie J. Gibbs, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.


Army Run 5K - Ryan MacKenzie

Army Run 5K - Ryan MacKenzie
Ryan MacKenzie is the mens 5K Winner, in a time of 14:53 in the first Canada Army Run that took place earlier in the day 21 September 2008.

For complet stats on the race see www.sportstats.ca/

For other photos of the major Army Run 2008 winners please see my flickr photostream:
flickr.com/photos/johnwmacdonald If you wish to purchase a print or wish to see other award winners, please contact me.

Army Run 2008 - Injured Soldiers

From the www.armyrun.ca web site:

"About the Canada Army Run
5k and 1/2 Marathon - Ottawa, Ontario

2008 marks the first year for the Canada Army Run. The Run is styled after the U.S. Army Ten Miler and the Marine Corps Marathon – world-class events that have become military traditions, attracting hundreds of thousands of military and civilian runners and spectators from around the world every year.

The Canada Army Run will showcase the Canadian Forces and the whole of government contribution to domestic and overseas operations, promote physical fitness and esprit de corps and support our recruiting efforts. In addition to the Run, the event will include a race expo with military displays and salute to the military and para-military forces post 9/11 as well as an evening of entertainment and an army style pasta dinner. Military families will be given special recognition at the Run, injured soldiers will be invited to participate to show that the fight continues and a shadow run will be held in Afghanistan to give soldiers serving there the opportunity to be part of a unique, shared experience. All proceeds will go towards Soldier On and the Military Families Fund."

For other photos of the major Army Run 2008 winners please see my flickr photostream:
flickr.com/photos/johnwmacdonald If you wish to purchase a print or wish to see other award winners, please contact me.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Amanda Earl

Amanda Earl, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Amanda launched her newest chapbook Welcome to Earth: poem for alien(s) published by Bookthug at the Dusty Owl Reading Series 21 September 2008.

From the Dusty Owl web site bio:
Amanda Earl's poetry has been recently published in Rampike (Windsor, Ontario), fillingStation (Calgary, Alberta), the New Chief Tongue (Mount Pleasant, Ontario), Peter F. Yacht Club (Ottawa, Ontario), some assembly required (pooka press, Vancouver, BC), Van Gogh's Ear (Paris, France). above/ground press published two chapbooks by Amanda in 2007/2008: "Eleanor" and "The Sad Phoenician's Other Woman." Her chapbook, "Welcome to Earth" is forthcoming from Bookthug (Toronto, Ontario). Amanda is the managing editor of Bywords.ca and the Bywords Quarterly Journal & blogs too much at amandaearl.blogspot.com and ottawapoetry.blogspot.com.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Jaded at the Richmond Fair

Jaded at the Richmond Fair, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ah, just another croc at the fair. Been there, done that.

Norval Morrisseau - Androgyny

Norval Morrisseau's daughters Lisa and Victoria in attendance at the unveiling of "Androgyny" at The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG) in the Rideau Hall Ballroom on September 18th, 2008 - Ottawa, Ontario


The photographer, Tony Fouhse, mingles with patrons as he discusses the photos on display.

FESTIVAL X / Ottawa Photography Festival
September 18 - 28, 2008
BESIDE THE PASSAIC: Photographs by Tony Fouhse
Artist Talk by Tony Fouhse: Sunday Sept 28 / 3 - 5pm

Tony Fouhse says "Vote culture!"

I am not sure Tony officially endorses this message as he told me that the promotional button was handed to him earlier that day. In any event, Tony had his opening show for his latest photo project BESIDE THE PASSAIC held at La Petite Mort Gallery last night.

Can't make it? Pity. The large prints are buttery and the tones are just breathtaking. Check out a slide show from this past summer which he displays a selection of 18 photos. What I really like about Tony's work is his consistant abilty to elevate a potentially mundane environmental setting into a work of art and make a compelling portrait at the same time. Every print is for sale, of course. So 'vote culture' and go support the arts.

Friday, September 19, 2008

James Alexander Santos, S.C.

James Alexander Santos, S.C. (STAR OF COURAGE) awarded today at Rideau Hall, Ottawa 19 September 2008.

"On September 13, 2006, a heavily armed man arrived at Dawson College in Montréal, Quebec, and started shooting at people on the street. Witness to the incident, Constable Alain Diallo exited his police cruiser and, dodging bullets aimed at him, followed the suspect into the school. The gunman found himself cornered in the cafeteria and fired at the students around him. Upon arriving at the school, constables Marco Barcarolo and Denis Côté made their way to the atrium above the cafeteria, where they attempted to keep the shooter’s attention away from the students. The gunman then ordered student James Santos to stand in front of him to shield him from the police. Despite having witnessed, at close range, the violence of the gunman, Mr. Santos tried in vain to get him to surrender. While the gunman was distracted, Vincent Pascale crawled to the cafeteria door and guided some 40 students to safety. Yves Morin was shot and injured in the shoulder when he pushed a female student out of the shooter’s line of fire. The incident came to an end when, wounded by a shot fired by Constable Côté, the gunman turned his weapon on himself and took his own life." via GG website

Jeanette Lynes

Jeanette Lynes, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ottawa -- 18 September 2008
Join Freehand Books in celebrating its first season on the Canadian publishing scene at an Ottawa International Writers Festival special event! Readings by all four inaugural Freehand authors--Marina Endicott (fiction), Jeanette Lynes (poetry), Saleema Nawaz (fiction), and Susan Olding (non-fiction). Catering by Culinary Conspiracy. A free event.

Susan Olding

Susan Olding, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ottawa -- 18 September 2008
Join Freehand Books in celebrating its first season on the Canadian publishing scene at an Ottawa International Writers Festival special event! Readings by all four inaugural Freehand authors--Marina Endicott (fiction), Jeanette Lynes (poetry), Saleema Nawaz (fiction), and Susan Olding (non-fiction). Catering by Culinary Conspiracy. A free event.

Saleema Nawaz

Saleema Nawaz, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ottawa -- 18 September 2008
Join Freehand Books in celebrating its first season on the Canadian publishing scene at an Ottawa International Writers Festival special event! Readings by all four inaugural Freehand authors--Marina Endicott (fiction), Jeanette Lynes (poetry), Saleema Nawaz (fiction), and Susan Olding (non-fiction). Catering by Culinary Conspiracy. A free event.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Norval Morrisseau at Rideau Hall

Installation of a Norval Morrisseau painting in the Rideau Hall Ballroom

OTTAWA-The Office of the Secretary to the Governor General (OSGG) will install a new artwork in the Rideau Hall Ballroom on September 18, 2008. Created by world-renowned Canadian Aboriginal artist Norval Morrisseau, the painting, entitled Androgyny, will replace Charlottetown Revisited, a work created by the Jean Paul Lemieux, which has been on loan from the Confederation Centre of the Arts since 2006.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Rhonda Douglas Book Launch

Rhonda Douglas is the author of "Some Days I Think I Know Things: The Cassandra Poems" published by Signature Editions, her first book of poetry. Tonight was the Ottawa launch at the Cube Gallery. I met some really nice people tonight and was happy that Pearl made it back safe and sound from her rail yard sojourn that took her to Toronto from Smiths Falls with Carmel and John Curry: little train hobos...

North Korea

Is there a word to describe 'scary-and-beautiful-at-the-same-time'? Maybe the Germans a have such a word. Who knows. More pics here from boston.com's The Big Picture:


Monday, September 15, 2008

Train Hobos

Train Hobos, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Hobos in search of a freight train.

Hon. Peter MacKay

Hon. Peter MacKay, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

It's not very often I bump into Peter MacKay, the Minister of National Defence in Ottawa. Yet, there he was in Stellarton, Nova Scotia eating breakfast in the Foord St. A&W restaurant preparing for his day.

I flew into Halifax earlier this week to fetch my parent's car to drive back to Ottawa. I decided to get up early last Thursday morning and have a bite to eat before I returned home. MacKay's on the campaign trail, of course, as are all the MPs who want to retain their jobs back on Parliament Hill. After breakfast I asked if I could take his photo, wished him luck, and bid him adieu.

There in the background (above Peter's right shoulder) is the steeple of Our Lady of Lourdes Church where my Great-Grand Uncle, Father William B. MacDonald, founded and built the church and the little enclave of streets surounding it. My aunts who live up the street, and into their 80s, still attend mass regularly and are among the last of their generation still living in their home where they were born and raised.

Monday, September 08, 2008

Bob Gruen: 40 Years Of Rock 'N' Roll photography

My brother sent me this vid. Very worthwhile watching.

Miriam Toews

Miriam Toews, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Author Miriam Toews signs copies of her latest book The Flying Troutmans for the Ruano family at Chapters Bookstore downtown Ottawa, 7 September 2008.

Margaret Visser

Margaret Visser, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

She is an instantly likeable and charming lady with a great stage presence. I'm a fan.

From the OIWF web site: "Margaret Visser, the award-winning author of Much Depends on Dinner and The Geometry of Love, shares her exploration of gratitude as a key to understanding the assumptions, hopes, preferences and fears that underlie our everyday behaviour. Her new book, The Gift of Thanks, reflects on North American customs and argues that our own notions of gratitude influence a wide range of traditions, such as the wrapping of gifts, the ritual of Remembrance Day ceremonies and even the exchange of compliments. Join us for an evening of extraordinary insights into gratefulness that will leave you both thankful and newly aware of the power of those two important words."

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri

Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ottawa's Mohamed Tawfik Al-Mansouri, Ph.D wanted a portrait done for a website that he is the co-founder of: Afnan Magazine www.afnanonline.net which he is the executive editorial secretary. The multi-linguistic magazine is written in six languages; English, French, Spanish, German, Hebrew and Arabic. According to the website, "it was established to provide strong ties and build bridges among the nations to realize a true and complete peace in our World."
He can be frequently spotted at Ottawa's many literary events with his good friend Donald Throop pictured here.

Saturday, September 06, 2008

Ronald Wright

Ronald Wright, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

Ronald Wright in conversation at the Library & Archives Canada discussing his most recent book, A Short History of the New World Order. The event was hosted by Adrian Harewood of CBC radio. The reading was part of the Ottawa International Writers Festival whose festival commences next month with a great line up. See www.writersfestival.org/events.html for more details.

From the OIWF website:
"Join CBC Radio’s Adrian Harewood and Ronald Wright, the award-winning, #1 bestselling author of A Short History of Progress, for a fresh, passionate look at the past and future of the world’s most powerful nation. His new book, What Is America?, reframes the debate about our neighbour and ourselves. The USA is now the world’s lone superpower, whose deeds could make or break this century. For better and worse, America has Americanized the world. How did a marginal frontier society, in a mere two centuries, become the de facto ruler of the world? Why do America’s great achievements in democracy, prosperity and civil rights now seem threatened by forces within itself? "

Wednesday, September 03, 2008


Monday, September 01, 2008

Matthew's cousins

Matthew's cousins, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.