Monday, September 28, 2009

Cory Doctorow

Cory Doctorow
LITTLE BROTHER - One on One with Cory Doctorow St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts and Humanities. The event was hosted by Kate Heartfield.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Megan & Kelly

Megan & Kelly
Enjoying the last days of summer.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Jody Mitic - Canada Army Run 2009

Jody Mitic - Canada Army Run 2009
Jody Mitic - Canada Army Run 2009

Jody Mitic & Family
Mitic is greeted by his family at the finish line at the Canada Army Run Half Marathon.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Jody Mitic - Soldier On

Jody Mitic - Soldier On
Fit to Serve

Army Run Kiss

Army Run Kiss
A kiss at the finish line.

CHANTAL BEAUCHESNE Bib # 11682 and KYLE FAITH bib # 12935

More Army Run 2009 photos on

Climate Message

Climate Message
Flash Mob on Parliament Hill organized by Sierra Youth Coalition.

More info:

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood
Margaret spirit fingers Atwood

The Year of the Flood with Margaret Atwood


The Canadian Premiere of an innovative multi-disciplinary literary event directed by Janet Irwin. Featuring the iconic author as narrator, Mary Ellis as Toby, Todd Duckworth as Adam One and Kate Smith as Ren. Songs of the Gardeners performed by the Calixa Lavallee Ensenble and conducted by Mark Wilkinson.

Margaret Atwood & Charlotte Gray
Margaret Atwood & Charlotte Gray mingle at dinner before the big show at St. Brigid's Centre for the Arts & Humanities.

Framing Atwood
Blair Gable, on assignment for a Canadian mag, photographs Margaret Atwood at St. Brigid's before the evening's main event.

Atwood's Dinner Guests
Atwood's Dinner Guests

Robert Cram
The Crams

Niamh & Rosemary O'Brien
Atwood's dinner guests
P.S. Niamh is pronounced Neeve.

Margaret Atwood 30% Off
this photo is for those who can't enough of Atwood or of authors signing stacks of books at 30% off.

Monday, September 21, 2009


The Mayor of Ottawa may not be guilty of influence peddling, but he sure is guilty of looking good.

O'Brien came in at a time of 35 minutes and 11.3 seconds during this past weekend's 5km Army Run 2009.

LARRY O'BRIEN OTTAWA bib# 13555 Time: 35:11.3

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Army Run 2009

Ryan McKenzie - Army Run 2009
Ryan McKenzie - Army Run 2009
Sep 20, 2009 Army Run / Course de l'Armee - 5km RYAN MCKENZIE 14:43.7 (14:39.5 )

Army Run 2009
Sep 20, 2009 Army Run / Course de l'Armee - 5km RYAN MCKENZIE 14:43.7 (14:39.5 )

Army Run 2009
Sep 20, 2009 Army Run / Course de l'Armee - 5km EMILY TALLEN 17:03.6 (16:45.5 )

Army Run 2009 - Cushing
CORIE JO CUSHING from Ladysmith bib # 3088 and KIRK CUSHING bib # 3089

Kirk was the poster boy for the 2009 Army Run. See the website for the photo from 2008 taken by Scott Soulis.
Scott's original picture on is here:

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Nick Cave

Nick Cave - Blech!
Blech! kind of reminiscent of John McCain's tongue.

Nick Cave Poses for the Photographers
Nick Cave Poses for the Photographers - for 30 seconds.

Nick Cave

Nick Cave

Cave Wave
Nick Cave waves to the audience flanked by security guards.

Friday, September 18, 2009

Flickr Galleries added a new gallery feature this week to its website. They say, "galleries are a way to curate up to 18 public photos or videos of your fellow members into one place around a theme, an idea or just because." On their first flickr blog post introducing galleries, they featured one of my cuter photos of a baby getting a hand signed by former Prime Minster Jean Chrétien. Thanks for visting my flickr photostream!

Jean Chretien & Baby Tattoo
Mom got her book signed and the baby picked up a temporary ink souvenier from former Prime Minister Jean Chretien at a book signing event at Chapters bookstore in Ottawa, 7 December 2007.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Nick Cave - The Death of Bunny Munro

Nick Cave - The Death of Bunny Munro
The Big Beat Blogs.
Peter Simpson of the Ottawa Citizen live blogs the Nick Cave reading from the balcony at St. Brigid's Centre of the Arts & Humanities. Simpson's blog posts can be read online here:
The event was hosted by Ottawa's David O'Meara as part of the Ottawa International Writers Festival, 17 September 2009.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009


The new edition of the Maple Tree Literary Supplement is just out and I am suprised to find out that I am the focus of the current editorial by Amateritsero Ede. Ama had been inspired by our photo shoot as to write about how he sees "the similarity of craft between photography and writing".

Precision was what the professional photographer demanded. He drove around seeking that elusive balance of light and shade to aid his craft. For some time he perambulated, stopped, hesitated, changed his mind; then one final foray towards a completely different part of the city before he finally found a good spot where the mixture of air, light, shadow and space was perfect. One was struck by the truth of the anonymous truism that "finding the right syntax for a poem" is like "like finding the right light before you take a photograph." Therein lies the intersection between one art and the other.

Read the rest online here:

Here is one more from that shoot with Ama. Serious Ama. I assure you, he does smile as you will see in a forthcoming photo from a reading he gave at Carleton University yesterday.


Ama reads from his new book Wed., September 16, 2009 at 6:30pm
Where? A Different Booklist
746 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON (Canada)
*also featuring author George Elliott Clarke
Hosted by Tom Howell, poetry correspondent & producer of
CBC's Radio Literary Program "The Next Chapter."

Headshot - Amélie

Headshot - Amélie
Ottawa pianist, Amélie Langlois

Headshot - Catherine

Headshot - Catherine
Ottawa pianist, Catherine Donkin

Monday, September 14, 2009


I was going through some football photos again from last weekend. This photo brought back memories for me. This particular photo is of a punt return on the last down for Notre-Dame. The John Abbott football player in blue (#14) is receiving the kick and is just about to catch the ball.

Note that player #32 is totally focused on the ball and paying particular attention about staying at least 5 yards away from the receiver, lest he get penalized for a 'no yards' call against him. But it's a fantastic time for #6 to step up and absolutely clock the Notre-Dame player into the stands. Back when I played at John Abbott and later Concordia University I enjoyed dishing out a crunching blow to anyone dead in their tracks like this situation. Not so much now, you understand.

This photo did bring back memories. I also remember being on the other side of some pretty punishing hits. It's a a two-way street. Anyway, #6 did do his job quite well and blocked the way for #14 to make up some yards down field.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

John Abbott Football Homecoming Game

The now 2 and 1 Islanders got spanked 49-0 on Saturday's game against Notre-Dame in Sainte-Anne-de-Bellevue. It was a great day for football otherwise. The warm late summer sun was out and it was a chance to get together with the alumni crowd. Here are a few highlights from the game. There are a couple more photos on the flickr page.

John Abbott Homecoming Game

John Abbott Homecoming Game

John Abbott Homecoming Game

John Abbott Homecoming Game

Friday, September 04, 2009

Arts Smarts

Jessica Ruano, for Ottawa's cultural magazine Guerilla, culled together a sampling of online sites which provide "timely and independent coverage of the local arts scene." gets some link love. But check out the other great sites for other types of entertainment the City of Ottawa has to offer. Thanks for the comments, Jessica.

Thursday, September 03, 2009

Amatoritsero Ede

Amatoritsero Ede
From Publisher's blurb:
"Amatoritsero Ede, born in Nigeria, was a Hindu monk with the Hare Krishna movement; he has worked as a book editor with a major Nigerian publisher, Spectrum Books, and was the 2005-2006 Writer-in-Residence at Carleton University in Ottawa, Canada. Currently, he is editor of Gboungboun Magazine, managing editor of PONAL Quarterly Forum of the Carleton-affiliated Project on New African Literatures, and publisher and managing editor of the Maple Tree Literary Supplement."

Here is some information about his upcoming book launch:
Sat., September 12, 2009 7pm
Collected Works Bookstore
1242 Wellington St. W
Ottawa, ON (Canada)

Mon., September 14, 2009 4pm
Carleton University,
Dept. of English Language & Literature
1812 Dunton Tower, 1125 Colonel by Drive
Ottawa, ON (Canada)

Wed., September 16, 2009 6:30pm
A Different Booklist
746 Bathurst St.
Toronto, ON (Canada)
*also featuring author George Elliott Clarke
Hosted by Tom Howell, poetry correspondent & producer of
CBC's Radio Literary Program "The Next Chapter."

Wed., October 28, 2009 7:30pm
Last Wednesday Series at Rocky Sullivan's
34 Van Dyke St. (at Dwight St.)
Red Hook, Brooklyn, NY

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Headshots - Christopher

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore

Christopher Moore is a professor at the School of Music of the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ottawa.

Dr. Moore commissioned some headshots for promotional purposes. Here are a few from a recent photo shoot we did on location. We went from casual to more formal, classic look and feel. Here are a few shots I particularly like from the 75 photos I gave him to approve.