Sunday, January 31, 2010

Witton Flatware

Witton Flatware
This would have been a typical setting at the dinner table circa 1975-1985 and beyond. These are just three of many similar pieces of flatware sitting in a shoe box unused for a future purpose - lord knows what. Oh, and Happy Birthday, Mom!

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Charlie Brooker - How To Report The News


Friday, January 29, 2010

Matthew & Silhouette

Matthew & Silhouette
When the sun goes down the light passes through the house from the backyard window and reflects off the wall in the hallway creating a pseudo-camera obscura
I say pseudo in the sense that there is no pin hole and the windows aren't entirely covered up. I don't think Matthew really gets the concept of "pseudo" just yet but he thought the shadows of the swaying branches on the wall was pretty cool.

Block & Burin - No. 42

Block & Burin - No. 42
I received a complimentary copy of Block & Burin in the mail today. They published an earlier photo of mine of Elke & Tim Inkster who received the Order of Canada last year. Block & Burin is the (gorgeously illustrated - my emphasis) newsletter of the Wood Engravers' Network based out of Nashotah, Wisconsin.

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Infinite Solutions Carpet Cleaning Quick Tip


Saturday, January 16, 2010

NAC Balcony

NAC Balcony

The Boy in the Moon

Friday, January 15, 2010

Valentine's Day Engagement Photo Shoot in Ottawa?

Just under one month till Valentine's Day!
Are you thinking of proposing to your mate?
Want to photograph this special event in Ottawa?
Give me a call for details. 613-821-5501 or email me

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Captain Simon Mailloux

Capt. Simon Mailloux, who lost a leg to an IED blast, is seen finishing the 2009 5K Canada Army Run, placing fifth in his category. Mailloux is the first Canadian amputee to return to active duty in Afghanistan. More info here:
Simon Mailloux

Captain Simon Mailloux
Captain Simon Mailloux at 2009 Canada Army Run

Simon Mailloux

Sunday, January 10, 2010

BBQ Sauce - Sweet

I slow-cooked some pork butt yesterday and made some sauce for the pulled pork sandwiches. After searching the net for homemade BBQ sauces I modified one that I really liked. Here is a recipe that you may want to try. Personally, I prefer the sauce to be sweet and tangy but not too acidic. Here`s a disclaimer: Most amounts are approximate, aside from the ketchup and vinegar, as I really don't measure ingredients exactly. For example, I just poured molasses until I felt like it was enough. These measures, however, should get you started.

BBQ Sauce - Sweet

2 cups Heinz Ketchup
1 cup Heinz Apple Cider Vinegar
4 tbs Molasses
3 tbs Dark brown sugar
2 tbs White granulated sugar
3 tsp Sea salt
2 tsp Freshly ground black pepper - to taste
1 tbs Hoisin sauce
2 tbs 'Honey & Ginger' Honey
2 tbs Pure Maple Syrup
2 tsp Soya Sauce
1 tsp Tabasco sauce - to taste
1 tsp Liquid smoke - Hickory or Mesquite
* 2-3 tbs of your favourite bottled bbq sauce - optional*

If there is too much vinegar taste for your palate, add more ketchup and season to taste. Add all ingredients to a medium pot and stir well till sugars are dissolved. Heat and simmer on med-low for 10-15 minutes, stirring frequently to avoid burning, then bottle and serve warm to guests. Makes about 3 1/2 cups sauce and recipe can be made well-ahead of time.

I put brand names like "Heinz" and "Tabasco" in list but feel free to add your preferred brands. If you've never used liquid smoke before, go out and get some, it really adds another dimension to the sauce. You may add other ingredients or modify amounts listed to your taste.

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

NCC Christmas Lights

In December of 2007 I did a small photo contract with the NCC (thanks to Thom Fountain). I just noticed today (by chance) that they used my photo of Parliament Hill lit up by the lights as their home page web banner. Sweet!

from the NCC website: "From December 13, 2009 to January 7, 2010, every day from 4:30 pm to 2 am, Canada’s Capital Region will sparkle with more than 375,000 dazzling lights." More details here:
NCC Christimas Lights
Parliament Hill Christmas Lights - 2007
Today, if I had to do it again, I would shoot this scene with the Brenizer Method (google it) with my D3 and a different lens and stitch a panorama together with Photoshop.

However, this 2007 photo was shot with a 30 second exposure at 12mm at f/22, with a Nikon D200 on a tripod. I remember it was quite nice outside and not too cold.

Monday, January 04, 2010

Tom Hanson Photojournalism Award

Applications for the Hanson Award will open in November (2009) and must be submitted by Jan. 4, 2010. Finalists for the Hanson Award will be interviewed by the selection committee in January with a winner announced by Feb. 1.

"When Hanson died suddenly at age 41 in 2009, his family, friends, colleagues at The Canadian Press and the country’s photojournalism community wanted to find an appropriate way to honour his memory, talent and spirit. The result was the creation of the Tom Hanson Photojournalism Award."

See website for more details:


Winnner update:
The winner of the inaugural Tom Hanson Photojournalism Award is Adrien Veczan.