Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Stephen Brockwell

Stephen Brockwell, originally uploaded by johnwmacdonald.

This previously unpublished photo Stephen Brockwell is on the rear cover of his latest book of poetry, "The Real Made Up" (ECW Press, 2007).

The photo was originally taken in 2005 at rob mclennan's Peter F. Yacht Club Reading at the Carleton Tavern. See my blog post with other photos:

Stephen approached me for a photo for his book back in August 2007. There was one catch: he absolutely did not want to pose for a new photo. What to do? I searched my photo archives. Luckily, I had about a dozen different photos of this handsome silver-haired lad. I quickly assembled them and showed him a contact sheet from which to choose. The above photo is a crop from a full-length pose and it appears in a slightly even tighter crop on the book's cover.

On a similar note, Charles Earl has a close-up photo of Stephen (and the book) when Brockwell launched the book in Ottawa last month:


Blogger Zachariah Wells said...

And a very fine book it is.

Wednesday, April 02, 2008 8:05:00 PM  

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