Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Terry Fox Promotion

It's nice to see that my picture of Terry Fox's statue in Ottawa was used online at Lung Cancer Review but they did not seek my permission to use it on their website. Tsk! Tsk! However, they did credit me and my weblog. Thanks!

The reason I mention this in my post today is that I am senstive to the fact of using Terry's name for promotional and commercial purposes. However, the Lung Cancer Review appears to be a reputable source of current online information about cancer. From the Terry Fox Run website (PDF file), their policies and guidelines are very specific on the use of Terry's name and image:

No merchandise bearing Terry’s name or likeness other
than that approved and produced by The Terry Fox
Foundation can be used. Revenues derived from the
sale of all Terry Fox merchandise must be handed over
in full to The Terry Fox Foundation.

The Fox family has sole jurisdiction over the use of
Terry’s name and likeness. Any request for use of that
name for a ceremony, building, honour, etc., must be
made in writing in advance to the Fox family.

Terry’s sole purpose for embarking on his Marathon of
Hope was to eradicate the suffering caused by cancer.
For this reason, The Terry Fox Run and all other events
that bear Terry’s name cannot be conjoined with any
other cause, no matter how worthy.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Saturday, March 08, 2008 9:02:00 PM  

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